FWE Funded Projects (from 2017 onward)
Project Coordination Group, Auroville
Aurogames, USD $1,956: To make Aurogames available for the Auroville community and society at large. AuroGames are meant to aid children to learn “difficult” subjects like mathematics, to grasp abstract concepts, and to develop their curiosity for learning and discover the joy of sharing knowledge with their peers.
Auroville bio-regional sports development and association (In honor of Ron Anastasia), USD $4,787: To join forces for concentrated development of sports in the bio region, including Auroville, by establishing an association to be able to access funds from the Government for equipment, training and local sponsorship for events.
Beauty and Wonder, USD $5,000: Art installation to develop further an existing art installation of painted flowers on stones. Intention: To enrich the experience of visitors on the path from the Visitors Centre to Matrimandir through exposure to wonder and the opportunity for visitors to participate through a simple gesture to a meaningful creation of beauty.
Capacity Development for value based bio-regional project creation, USD $3,819: To provide support for a new segment of Stewardship for New Emergence work, that of building leadership and capacity in the Tamil workers of Auroville and continuing to build on the training of villagers who have been through initial training.
Making the Invisible Visible: A bio-regional exhibition at the Visitors Center, USD $2,840: To highlight the often unseen outreach work that is done by Auroville projects in a 15 panel exhibition at the Visitors Centre and create a database of Auroville Outreach work that will be freely available for reference and project networking.
MT&D Programme (Annual Grant), USD $7,000: To sustain an educational fund for adult Auroville residents to participate in seminars, workshops, etc. in India and elsewhere in the world to improve skills used in their work for Auroville. Additionally, this year, to offer training possibilities to Auroville youth.
Hall of Peace Chairs (In honor of June Maher), USD $2,500: To provide the two first chairs for the Hall of Peace, model Conoid Lounge Chair, designed by Georges Nakashima.
Auroville Unity Fund, $3,069: Annual disbursement to Auroville Unity Fund with the intention to support Auroville infrastructure.
Additional Grants
AUM Scholarships, USD $3,000: Subsidizing the cost of attendance to the AUM conference for those with limited financial resources. The AUM planning team prioritizes those who have not attended an AUM before and people of the younger generation who are particularly unable to afford it.
Auromira Colombia ATB training, USD $2,232: To enhance concentration, relaxation and self-knowledge in children and adults. The persons proposed for the training will be connected with Auromira and will be for teachers, workshops facilitators of Libélula (supports rural schools), ICBF (Community mothers taking care of 3 to 5 years old children), primary/secondary schools, adults or any other Educational Project of Auromira. Fundación Auromira ́s main object is the growth of consciousness based on the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.
AV-Antioch Teacher Exchange (Pushpa and Jyoti), USD $4,000: The purpose of the AV/AUNE partnership is to support and encourage good teaching in both countries through classes and shared school experience. The partnership enables teachers from Auroville to sit inon classes at Antioch University, New England and to visit schools in the United States, staying with host families. Students from Antioch may complete an internship or observe Auroville Schools.
Heidi Watts travel grant AV Education, USD $2,500: To support Heidi’s work in Auroville with teachers and schools in facilitating the evolution of integral education in Auroville. Heidi works in both the Auroville schools and the outreach schools offering workshops and serving as advisor to teachers, schools and individual students as requested.
Sri Aurobindo school play ground, USD $3,000: Physical education being an important component of an integral education, the Academy would like to build a playground for the Kindergarten children. Sri Aurobindo Educational Academy and Society, a non-profit registered society located in a rural village of Andhra Prahesh, India was recently formed with the aim to improve the quality of education in the surrounding areas.
Village Harmony Multi year/multi areas, USD $8182 in 2017, $7121 in 2018, $7121 in 2019: to gradually make village Talla Ramgarh a self -sustained community with emphasis on integral living through the medium of the Madhuban center and the three schools adopted in aspects of integral education, environment and waste management, physical and mental health and sustainable livelihood.
International House Completion Project, $5000: The essential spirit of Auroville shares much with the essential spirit of America. Both honor exploration and experimentation, unity within diversity, and the aspiration to harmonize individual freedom with the common good. International House has been a vessel in the International Zone where these two energies – America and Auroville – can mix and support each other.
Celebrating 60th Anniversary of Sri Aurobindo’s Relics Enshrinement at Sri Aurobindo Ashram-Delhi Branch, USD $2,000: This eight day program will help to bring together various organizations and individuals devoted to further the work of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo, which will in turn result in various opportunities for future collaboration between them and the Sri Aurobindo Ashram-Delhi Branch.
Auroville Teacher Work, USD $2,500: To continue to support Auroville teachers in application of the goals of integral education through classes, workshops, teacher meetings, classroom visits, and individual consultation with teachers and principals. This is a continuation of the work Brenda Johnson has done in her previous five visits to Auroville over the past 16 years. Strategies include inquiry based learning, collaboration and student ownership of learning.
Project Coordination Group, Aurovillee
Auroville Archives, $1,060: To better store and catalogue old slides of Auroville.in the new Auroville Archives building.
Bhramanaspati Khsetram, $2,028: To develop and maintain a space for contemplation, meditation and exhibitions in Edayanchavadi Village.
Broadening Capacity Development for Work Place and Community – Auroville workers and villagers, $2,572: To foster leadership and capacity development and build capacity which supports inter human relationship and efficacy in workplace, home and community.
Building Bridges Phase II, $3,394: To carry out a second year of cultural exchange between Auroville and Tibet.Development through Drama, $781: To hold a series of workshops for six weeks with school teachers of Auroville which present a range of strategies and techniques to use to incorporate drama into the classroom. Work also will be done with teachers in their classroom to guide them in the use of drama with pupils.
Inspiration Programme: Kanavu, $3,266: To inspire a better understanding of Auroville and its activities amongst the children of age 8 to 16, mostly coming from 20 schools in and around Auroville township..MT&D Programme (annual grant), $4,000: To sustain an educational fund for adult Auroville residents to participate in seminars, workshops, etc. in India and elsewhere in the world to improve skills used in their work for Auroville.
Neuro-Dramatic Play, $1,734: To conduct a 5 day workshop in Neuro-Dramatic Play to increase the skill set of teachers and therapists dealing with children who have learning, behavioural or socio/emotional difficulties..Sourcing Our Oneness, $2,203: To support the ongoing unfolding and widening of the Sourcing Our Oneness program in India (Auroville and Sri Aurobindo Ashram).
Koodam Facilitation Project, $4,379: To find out the community facilitation needs, to train facilitators who are willing to commit to support facilitation in Auroville and to be able to better support community facilitation needs..Language Lab, $2,925: To create a Tomatis method language lab to enhance language learning.
Auroville Unity Fund, $3,118: Annual disbursement to Auroville Unity Fund with the intention to support Auroville infrastructure.
Additional Grants
AUM Scholarships, USD $3,000: Subsidizing the cost of attendance to the AUM conference for those with limited financial resources. The AUM planning team prioritizes those who have not attended an AUM before and people of the younger generation who are particularly unable to afford it.
FUNDACIÓN AUROMIRA Publication, $3,455: To print 500 copies of a compilation from Mother’s Agenda, entitled Mother’s Yoga, that is translated from the French into Spanish.
Village Harmony Multi year/multi areas, $8,182 in 2017, $7,121 in 2018, $7,121 in 2019: To gradually make village Talla Ramgarh a self -sustained community. The emphasis is on integral living through the medium of the Madhuban center and the three schools adopted in aspects of integral education, environment and waste management, physical and mental health and sustainable livelihood.
Heidi Watts travel grant AV Education, USD $2,500: To support Heidi’s work in Auroville with teachers and schools in facilitating the evolution of integral education in Auroville. Heidi works in both the Auroville schools and the outreach schools offering workshops and serving as advisor to teachers, schools and individual students as requested.
Professional Development Research for Sri Aurobindo Ashram Archives Conservation Laboratory, $1,259: To exchange knowledge with French, British and American experts on fabric and paper conservation techniques in order to deepen technical expertise and to establish ongoing fruitful interchanges of information.
Aditi Gurukul School Education Support, $4,271: To purchase a variety of learning materials for teachers and students to use in the course of an Integral Education curriculum for rural, underprivileged children in Jangaon Dist., Telangana, India. The school was founded by Matridarshan Trust.
Evironmental Awareness Project, $7,560: To teach ecological principles to students through a number of initiatives, including waste management, composting, and garden development, which will improve the living environment of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram – Delhi Branch.